Happy 67th Birthday, Bill.

Created by Cheryl 2 years ago
 Today, October 7th, is Bill’s birthday. He would be 67. I think of him all the time and usually with deep gratitude in my heart. Even though my hopes and dreams of a future together are no longer possible I can easily sit and reflect on the many ways he inspired me (and many others) and with that my heart fills with gratitude and I feel blessed.

This brings the often referenced saying about friendship to mind (see in comments section for the full explanation). “Friends come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime”. Have you ever stopped to consider the purpose of some of your relationships?

I believe our relationship was for a “reason”. Whether it was me supporting Bill through his cancer diagnosis, or both losing our parents and supporting and understanding that specific loss, or welcoming new born grandkids. There were many times that we provided and received physical, emotional and spiritual support and comfort. I often share with people that Bill opened my heart to love again.

For those who knew Bill you already know the man that he was. Today, on his birthdate these are the attributes that I am holding close and appreciating.

Wisdom – Bill always spoke highly of his parents who attended the residential school system in Canada. Today we are hearing of the genocide that occurred. He always said his Father was the smartest man he knew and his Mother was a gentle and very kind person who welcomed everyone to her home. In my opinion, Bill was the smartest person I knew. He loved learning and could speak knowledgably about anything. And most often, it was only if he was asked.

Generosity – As a First Nations fisherman he always made sure his community was taken care of and especially the elders and for special ceremonies. At this time of year (Thanksgiving) and any holiday for that matter he would have extra ham or turkey or fish that he would deliver to those who he knew may not be able to afford a big meal and well truth be known he was also thrifty and could find the specials with ease.

Laughter – There was always stories to be shared and lots of laughter often while playing cards, watching movies, sports or just in simple conversation. I really miss that.

Humble – Bill excelled at many things. He loved to cook, he was handy at fixing and building things, he knew the hockey standings and stats better than anyone but the thing is unless you specifically asked you would never know. I warned him about my brother Bryan giving him a run for his money because he was a stats person too. They shared some great discussions and hopefully they continue today.

Love and Compassion - Bill loved family. He loved his dogs and he loved working as he always said find what you love to do and get really good at it. If you were a friend or acquaintance, he treated you respectfully and would always lend a hand if needed.

He would do anything for anyone. He was never out to impress others. He wasn’t much for cell phones or social media but he would buy the newspaper daily and often complete the crossword and sudoku puzzles.

If you reflect and really look at your relationships and what you’ve been inspired by, most often it’s the intangible things, not the size of their home or the model of their car or how much they earn.

If more people strived to inspire vs impress the world would be a much better place.

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Bill.

Your legacy lives on through those whose lives you inspired.

I will be forever grateful for the love and lessons we shared.


With love and gratitude.

