The George Boys-generations past, present, and future...

Created by Cheryl 11 years ago
The man that Bill became is a true reflection of his Mother and Father. He was one of 8 children, born to Calvin William George and Mildred (Midge) George (Monague). October 7, 1954. Growing up as proud member of Kettle and Stoney Point First Nation he enjoyed the outdoors and nature. He attended school in Forest, Ontario. A fisherman at heart, he mastered the sport. He always said find something you like to do, get good at it, then perfect it. He shared the same passion for hockey and made many good friends throughout his life. Those who were fortunate enough to truly know and understand Bill, realize he applied this to many undertakings. He raised two sons, Andrew Nolan (1976) and Mason William (Billy) 1978. He became a grandfather in 2005 when Alex was born, to Billy and Crystal. Most recently, Bill's older son, Andrew and Deanna, became the proud parents of their first son, Nolan. Bill rushed to the hospital to welcome Nolan to the world. He was an extremely proud father and grandfather.

